First off, I will go on record by saying that LEGO City has too many police sets, and this one doesn’t help my perception of LEGO City being a safe place to live! I will say that on the other hand, this set is really, really nice. It looks strong and mildly brutish with its boxy design complete with fat fenders to boot.

The stats on this formidable van are: 173 pieces, one sticker sheet, one roadblock sign, loads of accessories, one yellow crate to keep them in, a motorcycle, a moneybag backpack, 100 LEGO bucks (which doesn’t seem worth stealing and going to Legoland jail for), one policeman minifig, and one crook minifig.

By the Numbers:
Set: LEGO 7286 City Prisoner Transport
Year of Release: 2011 (December 2010)
Type: City – Police vehicle and minifig set
# of Pieces: 173
# of Extra pieces:
# of Minifigs and what kind: 2 – police officer, criminal
Stickers? Yes
Ages: 5-12
Time to Complete:
Price: $19.99
* – LEGO Prisoner Transport 7286
* – LEGO Prisoner Transport 7286
* Target, Toys R Us, etc.
Remember: click on the photos to see larger images at flickr (Full 7286-1 gallery at flickr)
Box Art: