Benn at RAILBRICKs has some important news – there is a new LEGO survey, and LEGO has released the results of the July 2009 LEGO survey. The survey also covers AFOL (Adult Fans of LEGO) as well as TFOL (Teen Fans of LEGO) even though, as the survey notes, it’s hosted at the LEGO Kids Inner Circle.
This is the survey information:
The LEGO Group Wants to Hear From You!
As Adult or Teenage Fans of LEGO, you bring an important perspective to the LEGO Group. We respect your creativity and passion for the LEGO brand.
Since December 2008, we have done quarterly online surveys to learn more about the needs and wishes of global AFOL (defined as ages 20+) and TFOL (defined as ages 13-19) communities. For your information, we have listed the key findings from the latest survey in July 2009 below. Now we ask you to take the survey again. It include some of the same questions, but also a set of new questions for you.
Please take a few moments to complete this short online survey to let us know your opinion about the LEGO Group.